Supermarine Spitfire
This is the first of my "Quick Build" series of warplanes .. to follow soon are .. Messerschmitt Bf-109 .. P-51 Mustang, Mig3 and T-28 Trojan
Designed to be printed in LW-PLA with a few parts printed in PLA or PLA+
These models can be built with or without retractable landing gear ..
Build without landing gear to be hand launched or add retracts and fly from the groundSpecs:
4 channel .. Throttle, Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder
1000 mm wing span
800 mm Long
Estimated weight 800 - 1000 grams (depending on configuration used)
3s or 4s 2200 Battery
40 Amp ESC
D3548 900KV to 1400KVDeflections:
Aileron 10mm -30Expo
Elevator 15mm - 30Expo
Rudder 15mm No Expo
C of G = 70 mm from leading edgeBuild log can be found here:
Retract test video:
Flight Videos:
Maiden from a Dolly:
3rd Flight: printing settings
Build log and information can be found here:
Supplied with STL files and G-code files which should work on many different printers with a size of 220 x 220 x 200 build size
Designed to be printed in LW-PLA (active foaming) with a few parts printed in PLA or PLA+
Spitfire .. Quick Build Series
You are purchasing STL and G-Code files